HKARA 收 集 會 員 建 議 經 整 理 後 向 電 訊 管 理 局 遞 交 之 提 案 如 下 :

1. Release FRS (Family Radio System) Band for public use.This fix channel low power FRS handheld transceivers are very popular in US and Europe. They provide a legal alternative to satisfy the radio communication need of the general public. This will definitely help to reduce illegal operations in VHF and UHF band.

2. Reconsider the power limit of fixed station operation for 144MHz band. Proposal the 144MHz band power limit same as 50MHz and 430MHz bands(20dBw erp & 26 dBw p.e.p).

3. Waiving license fee for amateur radio operators over 75 years old.

